News — Hypochlorous Acid in Dentistry
Still Buying Pre-Made Hypochlorous Acid for Your Dental Practice, Why?
Posted by Sam Petegorsky on

There are many uses for Hypochlorous Acid in Dental Practices. The most well known, being for use as a safe disinfectant. But it is also used as a oral rinse to fight infection, and to prevent mold/mildew buildup in water lines. Many dentists are aware of this, and purchase ready made Hypochlorous Acid from Dental Supply Distributors at a cost ranging from $30 to $60 gallons per gallon. Yet Hypochlorous Acid can be obtained far more economically and conveniently by making it with a Hypochlorus Acid Generator. Which makes one wonder, why most dentists who use HOCl, are still purchasing...
Hypochlorous Acid in Dentistry
Posted by Sam Petegorsky on