News — Hypochlorous Acid
Hypochlorous Acid for Pet Owners, Farms and Animal Breeders.
Posted by Sam Petegorsky on

My daughter loves Rabbits including her own rabbit "Winter". She followed the Instagram account of a excellent breeder who often posts pictures of her bunnies. She recently told me that the breeder had to temporarily shut down operations, because their was a deadly (for rabbits) virus spreading throughout. If you breed animals, or even have a single pet, you are likely aware that it is suggested to frequently disinfect their cages. this is true whether you have Rabbits, Hamsters, Birds/Chickens etc. A dirty cage or pen provides a welcoming breeding ground for viruses, bacteria and mites, disinfecting helps mitigate that....
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How to test for the presence of Hydroxil Radicals
Posted by Sam Petegorsky on
I just got off the phone with a customer, who asked a great question. Our Fruit and Vegetable Purifier generates both Hydroxil Radicals (when only water only is added), as well as Hypochlorous Acid (when salt and vinegar are added). While we have outlined how to test for HOCl, there is no test strip or digital meter available on the market that tests for Hydroxil Radicals, so how can one be sure that the machine actually generates them. [ For general info on Hydroxil Radicals Click this link ] Although Hydroxil Radicals can not be tested through any commercially available...
Hypochlorous Acid in Dentistry
Posted by Sam Petegorsky on

Hypochlorous Acid Shelf Life and our On-going Test
Posted by Sam Petegorsky on

We frequently get asked about the shelf-life of Hypochlorous Acid, we give steps on how to make it last longer, and have told customers it can potentially last for weeks or longer if those instructions our outlines (detailed in other blog posts). However, we wanted to be able to give a more specific answer, so we are conducting our own test. On February 24 we made a batch of HOCl at 400ppm. We added vinegar to stabilize the pH at around 5, and immediately after making it, poured it into an empty container and closed it tightly (we used a...
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Hypochlorous Acid, how to extend the shelf life
Posted by Sam Petegorsky on

Of all the questions we receive about Hypochlorous Acid, the question asked most often is how to extend the shelf life. The old thinking was HOCl has a shelf life of 4 hours, but their are steps you can take to make it last significantly longer. the most important being to stabilize the pH with an ideal target pH being 5.5 (this can be accomplished with Vinegar or Citric Acid). The following steps when combined can prolong the shelf life of hypochlorous Acid for weeks, months or possibly longer. Stabilize the pH Upon making the HOCl store immediately in a...
- Tags: Hypochlorous Acid